Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Seven years

Seven years.
2009 was the year I finally got divorced.
2009 was the year that I should've had my baby.
2009 was the year that I ran away and fought and gave up and tried again and finally walked.
2009 was the year that I fell in love again and out of love.... again... and again.
2009 was the year that I got out of my comfort zone and made new friends and a whole new life.

2009  feels like a long time ago. And today, I think I'm feeling the 7 year itch. I'm feeling too comfortable... too safe... too bored.

I'm not unhappy. I have so much to be grateful for.... and I am grateful. I survived a messy divorce, paid off all my debts, got myself into a really ridiculously good job and I have some amazing people who love and support me. I am healthy, happy and I have enough.

And yet.

Apparently, every 7 years you change and the next chapter for me includes more changes.
This is when we reassess the results of what we are doing externally in our life. Our relationships, careers, habits and the ways we interact are all put under scrutiny and modified or changed. It’s a time of facing up to what does and what doesn’t satisfy us.
So... here I am, I guess,  being challenged by my relationships, career and habits. And trying to figure out where to go from here. Because here is just not enough, it seems.

Yesterday, Carrie Fisher passed away and, while I have no real connection to her, I was touched by this quote that I found. 

There was a time that I was so afraid of everything... but I had to do things anyway. In 2009, my motto was "just try anything once" and it led me to a whole lot of interesting people and places. I have a lot more confidence in things that used to scare me.... But I'm still scared of things like love and intimacy.

I hope that I will be braver in 2017.
I will be braver in 2017. 

Here's to a happy, healthy and satisfying 2017. 
And maybe even a fun NYE. ;)



Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Urgh. November.